Benefits of Water: Scientifically Proven Reasons to Stay Hydrated

Benefits of Water: Scientifically Proven Reasons to Stay Hydrated

As a Functional Medicine Studio City we can prove the benefits of water to our body. Water composes roughly 60% of the human body. The brain and heart are over 70% water. Even the bones are over 30% water. Water is also used in the digestion of food and in numerous chemical reactions that take place in the body. Under normal circumstances, you can only last a few days without water.

Considering how much of the body is made up of water, it only makes sense that not getting enough water can be a real problem!

Functional Medicine Burbank encourage you to take advantage of these ideas to make certain you’re getting enough water:

  • Regulating body temperature.
    You’re sweating all of the time, whether you realize it or not. Have you ever noticed that you feel hot and uncomfortable when you’ve gone too long without a drink? This can happen even when the weather is cool. Your body needs water to produce the sweat that cools it.
  • Water keeps you regular.
    Water helps to keep everything moving along. When you don’t get enough water, your feces can dry out and constipation is the likely result.
  • Water helps to keep your skin looking youthful and healthy.
    Beauty experts and dermatologists recommend getting plenty of water as means of keeping your skin hydrated and healthy. Your skin becomes dry, loose, and can take on the appearance of wrinkles when you don’t drink enough.
  • Water helps to maintain healthy body weight.
    Water is necessary to digest food. It can also help to keep you feeling full. It has been shown that drinking a half-liter of water before meals helps dieters to lose more weight.
  • Enhance your mood.
    Studies show that drinking more than a half-gallon of water each day results in greater feelings of calmness and contentment. Those drinking significantly less reported greater levels of tiredness and confusion. At Functional Medicine Toluca Lake, we believe water can be a great way to feel better and more positive.
  • Decrease frequency of headaches.

    Dehydration is a common cause of headaches. Medical experts aren’t certain why this occurs, but the results are clear. If you get regular headaches, ensure you’re getting enough water each day.

  • Athletic performance is decreased by insufficient water intake.
    Whether you participate in a strength sport, endurance sport, or anything in between, your performance will be poor if you’re not sufficiently hydrated.
  • Water can help to ease or prevent many diseases and ailments.
    Asthma, kidney stones, and constipation are just a few physical maladies impacted by hydration levels.

How much water is enough? It depends. The needs of a 250-pound man that works outdoors in Phoenix will be different from the needs of a 115-pound woman that lives in Toronto and works indoors. A good rule of thumb is to drink enough water to have at least three clear urinations each day. For the average person, half a gallon works well.

While all beverages are primarily composed of water, nothing compares to pure water for hydrating your body in a healthy manner.

There are few benefits to drinking significantly more water than you require. In fact, it’s possible to drink too much water. Serious side effects, including death, can occur from over-consuming water.

Ensure you’re getting enough water each day. If you have any questions or concerns, consult with your physician.

If you need Functional Medicine Doctors, do not hesitate to send us a message! Functional Medicine Los Angeles will always be ready to help.

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